Saturday, August 7, 2010

Modern Science proving Spirituality ?

Modern Science and spirituality pushes the paradigm of our understanding of spirituality to a whole new dimension of consciousness, existence, and relatedness beyond the way humans normally experience spirituality within a mechanical worldview. Modern Science is pushing the envelope of human consciousness to a whole new level of spiritual thinking. A growing body of scientists, philosophers, historians, behavioral scientists, and spiritual leaders (from Howard Bloom,Robert Wright, Melinda Davis, to Andrew Cohen, to mention a few) are now recognizing the development of a whole new way of seeing the world, a major shift in human thinking and consciousness development which will alter human living as we know it. Beginning with the late Dr. Clare W. Graves, who in 1974 predicted "a momentous leap" in human development (see The Futurist, April 1974), these and many others scholars are now recognizing what Graves, perhaps the first, recognized back in the late 1960s, that we are on the verge of a radical, seismic shift in human development, from "subsistence" levels of thinking focused on human survival and existence, to "being" levels focused on human integration and global community. It is a shift from a materialistic to a spiritualistic environment; from a dogmatic/scientific oriented world to one focused on spiritual discovery and fulfillment, not just for oneself but also for the planet as a whole. To put it simply, it is Integrative thinking and living knocking and opening the door of Holistic thinking and action, in order to enter the emerging world of Wisdom living and experience.

A hunger for meaning in the midst of human chaos as well as the need for a radical transformation in people's lives (the two functions of religion) has now emerged.

Obviously, it is not taking place in all places on earth with the same strength. Most segments of the world are caught up in survival modes of living, tribal warfare of various sorts, or "holy wars" for religio-political dominance. However, in other segments of our global village there is an awakening for the spiritual taking place the likes of which have not been seen in history, and we are just beginning to see the early shallow waves hit the shore of human existence. Soon a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual tsunami will hit with such gale force unlike anything previously experienced. We need to now catch the dynamic waves of millennial change, for if we are not part of the future, we will be history!

These stages of self-organization, development, and transformation lead us into the field of Spiral Dynamics, the theory of levels of existence and memetics, the principal framework for best understanding spirituality in its many dimensions. And it has to do with culture and value systems.

To put a stop to this topic, the basic counter point i would like to put on is that the Modern Science has a long way to go till it reaches the point which Spirituality had reached ages ago. Modern Science right now is just 'proving' in its own way all those points which have been penned down by the past yogis and masters in the path of spirituality ( Pathanjali, Adi Shankaracharya, Jesus, etc.).


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