Monday, August 10, 2009

Become Me

I was borne in my Mother's womb
but she did not create me

I eat the salt of this earth
but I do not belong to her

It is through this body that I walk
but I am not it

It is my mind through which I work
but it could not contain me

In the limitations of time and space I live
but it has not denied me unboundedness

I was born like you, I eat like you,
sleep like you and I will die like you
but the limited has not limited me
Life's bondages have not bound me

As the dance of life progresses
this space, this unboundedness has become
unbearably sweet

Become love and reach out
Become me
- Sadhguru


narin said...

like i said it's all too wonderful...
real food for thought....

narin said...

I was born like you, I eat like you,
sleep like you and I will die like you
but the limited has not limited me
Life's bondages have not bound me

this i like the best....

amrisha.touchinglives said...

Hi! am narin's sister...went thru ur the way you talk of detachment so effortlessly..

Prashanth said...

Hey ... I am so sorry Narin's sister! to address you like that instead of your name. But, thnx for appreciating my blog. Its all because of my Guru and he is the reason behind me being in this state of Effortless being.

Zephyr said...

ah, wow, that was beautiful!!

so question: is love the ultimate thing that will make free a person from life's bondages? because i was under the impression that it is love itself that binds one to this world.