Friday, November 14, 2008

Unconditional Love

   This is a small cutout of the very tiny experience i had in my life. What I am is What all of you all are. 

P.S : Please go through this blog irrespective of who and what you are, else you will surely mislead your understanding.  Read it as you have never thought of what you are. This blog is about all of us. SO, please feel as if its about you when you are going through it. 

Each is loved unconditionally, unequivocally, eternally. Because I love each unconditionally there can never be mistakes. I do not care what you have done or what you are about to do. You are loved regardless of any action, any thought or any emotion, no matter how bad you imagine them to be. You cannot escape from love try though you might. Allow yourself to bathe in the radiant light that is “I” for that is all existence. The only existence. 

Hear a bird singing and I am there. See a tree and that is where I live. I am in every part, in all atoms, in each superstring, in every cell and fibre of your being. I am the planets and the stars and everything in between in this universe. I am every universe and much more. There is no need to move anywhere, no need to seek, for I am already here right now in all things and in all places at once. 

I am the sacred realm, the holy presence. I am beyond all that have come before me and all that will follow. I am that which you have been seeking, the thing you long for, what you have dreamed about since time immemorial. I am the source of all things, the only true thing. Be still, listen without your mind and body, let go of your thinking and know that I am God. Know that I am the source of all things. 


        May the bliss of the divine touch you.

                                                               - Sadguru


Unknown said... the "I" in this "I" or is the guy who tol all of this !!!


Here , i refers to the Creator man.
The guy who tol all this is just a mediator... I just wanted to share my experience so i had to become that I to share the real "I"..

Sumit Agrawal said...

That was well said, mate!

But then...
Talking in human terms, we tend to love only the people we are confortable, in good terms and agreement with which makes love in a way... selfish!

But it was great work!


Sumit, My Brother...
I agree to your point if we are talking in HUMAN terms.....Please see ! i have the word in caps.....Just see....the word Human Being ,,literally means Being Human....human inturn means that which can experience reality .. But now , the human terms that you are talking about and which everyone of you is thinking is completely illusionary and far from reality.... I dont want to explain the whole answer ! WE can have this as a topic to talk/discuss when we meet.